Our General Terms And Conditions
Our General Terms And Conditions for download:
- GTCA General Terms and Conditions of Assembly (English)
- GTC General Terms and Conditions of Business (English)
- GTCM General Terms and Conditions of Maintenance (English)
- GTCP General Terms and Conditions of Purchase (English)
- Allgemeine Montagebedingungen (German)
- Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen (German)
- Allgemeine Wartungsbedingungen (German)
- Allgemeine Einkaufsbedingungen (German)
- Allgemeine Bedingungen Garantieprogramm Basis3 (German)
- Allgemeine Leasingbedingungen (German)
Document dispatch by e-mail from ILT
Invoices or credit notes issued by us naturally comply with the legal requirements.
Please note that individual receipt specifications do not impede deadlines and we expressly object to these specifications here as well. Individual recipient-side form specifications or organizational regulations of any kind have no influence on the legal character of the documents sent, the validity of a claim, or the agreements or provisions in a document.
Our standard procedure for sending invoices is as follows:
- An invoice is sent as a file in pdf format (PDF/A protected or comparable) attached to an e-mail to exactly one (1) e-mail address requested by you per customer number with us (unfortunately, multiple e-mail addresses per customer number or unique business entity cannot be considered);
- one e-mail contains only one invoice;
- the file name of the invoice has the structure: RE + invoice number + customer name + (customer number), e.g. "RE 390154321, Musterfirma GmbH (000000)";
- the subject line of the mail contains the file name as text (e.g. "RE 390154321, Musterfirma GmbH (000000)";
- invoices are sent with our sender mail "no-reply@ilt.eu";
- any attachments to the invoice will be attached to the invoice e-mail in addition to the invoice, if applicable, and will be given our file name or, on request, the attachments will be sent separately with our file names;
- in case of a document dispatch by e-mail, the document will not be sent additionally by letter post.
For order confirmations we proceed analogously as written above, the file name and the subject is then AU + order number + customer name + (customer number) (i.e. e.g. "AU 390504321, Musterfirma GmbH (000000)").
For credit notes we proceed analogously as written above, the file name and the subject is then AG + cancellation invoice number + customer name + (customer number) (thus e.g. "AG 390204321, sample company GmbH (000000)").
For standard purchase documents on our part, the following applies: for purchase orders, the file name and subject is PO + purchase order number + supplier name + (supplier number) (i.e. e.g. "PO 391004321, Musterfirma GmbH (000000)"). The sender address is then "einkauf@ilt.eu" and the order is not sent again by fax.