Responsibility. We commit ourselves.
We set standards in air pollution control. And we are in the hands of families in second generation. This has translated into a social tradition - we have an ecological as well as a cultural responsibility towards the location of our company. We rely on the respectful treatment of employees and on cooperation with our global customers and suppliers based on trust.

"Everybody at ILT understands his or her responsibility in shaping our company, support our corporate citizenship, and adding value for our customers."
Qualified and committed employees add to our company's success. This needs trust, tolerance, and a success-oriented approach of every individual. Working at ILT means to live up to the standards of a medium-sized family owned company:
Being passionate for our products, measure up to high quality requirements in customer consulting and product development, show flexibility, and to work together for our common success. Our management acts as a role model in this regard.
We offer a wide range of company benefits for our staff, for example flexible work and holiday time, social benefits such as a pension scheme, company insurances, company rebate programs, and much more. We respect every individual and support them with personal coaching and training.
We are convinced, that especially in medium-sized company employees play a vital role. Because every business process, every sketch, and every product is only as good as the individual behind it. To understand this responsibility, we support and encourage our employees - in the best positive tradition of a modern family owned business.

We protect the environment with our products and services.
Therefore, we protect the environment already during our own production process. We take care to choose components primarily which have a positive eco balance, for example. We keep emissions low and follow a strict recycling and waste separation program. Of course, we and our main suppliers employ state of the art air pollution control systems which reduce emissions to a minimum and protect the environment.

Environmental protection always starts one step ahead.
Already during engineering, we have the environment in focus: we develop our plant solutions in general that with resource efficient use of material the best function and highest performance is achieved. We choose component supplier which comply with high demands on environmental protection during production. We have a strong and personal relationship with core suppliers and have deep insights into their environment protection programs. For delivery of our installations and devices, we only use environmentally friendly ways of packaging and transport. Above that, we pay attention that our company's car fleet consumption is positively low.

We live up to our demands.
The principle of recycling-orientation is not only incorporated in our production facilities. Our non-production sites and offices pay attention to environmentally friendly concepts, too. We employ material primarily, for example, which has been manufactured environmentally friendly and ensure trouble-free recycling. Office electronics are disposed of environmentally friendly or are donated for charity. Generally, we do not only follow and comply with strict legal demands but also with demands on a company which protects the environment with its products and solutions in every industry.

"Others talk about sustainability. We develop solutions."
Sustainability is essential – for the economy, ecology and society. But what is achievable? And above all, how? The mechanical engineering industry provides answers. With innovative solutions and the Blue Competence sustainability initiative. We are alliance member and have committed ourselves to follow and support the Blue Competence Code. In short, this Code comprises:
» fulfil responsibility for a livable world through sustainable engineering,
» take social responsibility not only by compliance with laws and standards but also by providing best possible working conditions for our employees,
» making an important contribution to improving the global climate by efficient, conservative use of resources and recycling-orientation,
» optimizing long-lasting products and services along the entire value chain,
» acknowledge social responsibility on a voluntary basis for creating a better quality of life.