Solutions for spark extinguishment in ductwork.
Harmonized to ILT air cleaning installations.

Specific industrial processes need special attention regarding fire prevention and explosion hazards. Flying sparks in ductwork have to be avoided effectively. The problem there: Flying sparks are a major source of danger but not easy to detect - or known to exist!

One installation - one system
This is our Know-How: We have experience in applications and solutions for safey areas. Harmonized to our air cleaning solutions, we design your spark extinguishment installation together with experts. You can rely on a coherent total system consisting of the air cleaning installation and spark extingushing units. Everything from one source - proven, realiable and safe.
Your benefits
- Spark extinguishing solution harmonized to ILT air cleaning installations
- Effective and high-performance solution
- Safe production and sustainable protection of your investment goods
- Possible discounts with fire insurance companies of up to 15%